The Elm Singers originated in 1970, and, after various stages of its History, has settled into a group of about twenty members who meet, usually monthly, in each others' homes to rehearse.
New members join by invitation only.
The Elm Singers are directed by John Webber, who is also Director of Music at St John's, East Dulwich.
John is also the leader of two children's choirs: the Beckenham Junior Choir and the Beckenham Youth Voices.
Many of our concerts raise funds for churches and charitable organisations. Admission to most of our concerts is free, but with a retiring collection.
Our repertoire is varied, as evidenced by our latest programme and Archive of past concerts, but mainly consists of madrigals and sacred music of all periods.
To find out more about The Elm Singers and future concerts,
contact John Webber:
Telephone: 020 8650 9164 Email address: maggieandjohn1 AT googlemail.com
Comments on the website and its contents should be sent to email address webmaster AT elmsingers.org.uk.